Program Sponsors and Donations

The Aiken Junior Sports Association was established to enable youth in the Aiken area to have access to golf  instruction.  The particular focus was kids who would not normally have the opportunity to experience golf.  Through generous contributions of people in the community, businesses, the City of Aiken and grants, approximately 54% of the $232 cost per kid is underwritten with full scholarships provided to any child that can't afford the registration fee. Funds are only used for paying for materials or lunches. The clubs donate their facilities and staff at no cost to the program.

Donations to support the program can be made to the Aiken Junior Sports Association, which has IRS approval as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, and mailed to 120 Colleton Ave. SE, Aiken, SC 29801.

The following organizations provided generous support to the program in 2024:

South Carolina Junior Golf Foundation
Palmetto Amateur Tournament
Heritage Classic Foundation
Southern Cross Sertoma Club
Aiken Sertoma Club
North Augusta Sertoma Club
Augusta Rotary Club
Members of Palmetto Golf Club
Members of Houndslake Country Club
Members of Woodside Plantation
Members of The Golf Club at Cedar Creek
CSRA Women's Golf Association

Contact us at:

Aiken Junior Sports Association
120 Colleton Ave. SE
Aiken, SC 29801

Phone: (803) 270-8206


Aiken Junior Sports Association
HomeAiken Hook A Kid On GolfContact UsSupport UsPalmettoHoundslakeWoodsideCedar Creek
HistoryLinksFirst Tee of Aiken